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OFDM Modem Fpga Implementation for Wlan,Wimax,Zigbee


MIMOWAVES  provides Implementation of Ofdm Modem Fpga IP cores , CTC , Viterbi decoder , FFT core and wireless protocols for communication systems.The wireless IP Cores will be delivered in the form of source code / binary format for FPGA / DSP devices .The Cores are configurable as per the customer requirements and it  is device independent code and it run on any devices like Xilinx , Altera and Microsemi  devices and which will be synthesizable and verified solution. The flexible underlying architecture is configurable for WLAN, Zigbee, WiMAX and 3GPP  LTEapplications.This enables you to focus your design efforts on where you differentiate your product from your competition and accelerate your time to profit.

The wireless communication IP Cores like OFDM Digital Communication,ofdm physical layer,ofdm wimax,zigbee modem, , WLAN and LTE  IP COREs  designed for flexibility and programmability of All Programmable FPGAs and system-on-a-chip (SoC) devices and DSP processors to provide highly customized solutions to address rapidly changing communication protocol requirements.

  • Value for Money
  • High performance and low resource utilization
  • Target independent Code suitable for Xilinx or Altera FPGA Devices
  • Flexible architecture enables easy integration with other modules in the Communication chain

Wireless IP Cores


IP CORES Description Contact
LTE CTC Turbo Decoder DSP or FPGA based Turbo Code for LTE info@mimowaves.com
LTE Physical Layer DSP Based complete real time PHY Layer info@mimowaves.com
WLAN IP Core IEEE 802.11 FPGA VHDL IP Core for SDR info@mimowaves.com
OFDM VHDL Modem OFDM SDR MODEM solution for Xilinx Zynq Target info@mimowaves.com
1 MHZ Bandwidth MODEM Narrow bandwith FPGA SDR Solution info@mimowaves.com
IEEE 802.11b FPGA CORE WLAN 802.11b FPGA SDR solution info@mimowaves.com
Zigbee PHY and Stack Zigbee PHY and MAC layer supports Mesh Network info@mimowaves.com
FFT IP core FFT IP core configurable from 16 to 256 point for FPGA target info@mimowaves.com
Security Cores Security IP cores for FPGA and DSP hardware info@mimowaves.com
WLAN stack The Wifi stack for SDR target with high performance info@mimowaves.com